Come aiutarci
The Association of Friends of Africa as the only resource the free contributions of its supporters.
You can participate in the implementation of aid projects in different ways, considering your chances.
- Participating actively and directly to travel in Africa, where you can see first hand the projects that we are building together;
- Working as a volunteer for fundraising through the organization of events;
- With a donation.
- With the sponsorship of the inhabitants of a community;
- Participating in the activities of the Association by offering useful services to the realization of the projects.
Choose from the menu on the left as you want to help.
For donations by bank transfer, bank details at the Banca Popolare di Milano, Branch 311, are as follows:
IBAN: IT30 S050 3432 9200 0000 0030 850
There is also an account BancoPosta:
IBAN: IT26 F076 0110 2000 0102 7085 164